Source code for fmflow.core.array.functions

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# public items
__all__ = [

# standard library
from uuid import uuid4

# dependent packages
import fmflow as fm
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from astropy import units as u
from scipy.special import erfinv

# module constants
MAD_TO_STD = (np.sqrt(2) * erfinv(0.5)) ** -1

# functions
[docs]def array(data, tcoords=None, chcoords=None, scalarcoords=None, attrs=None, name=None): """Create a modulated array as an instance of xarray.DataArray with FM array accessor. Args: data (numpy.ndarray): A 2D (time x channel) array. tcoords (dict, optional): A dictionary of arrays that label time axis. chcoords (dict, optional): A dictionary of arrays that label channel axis. scalarcoords (dict, optional): A dictionary of values that don't label any axes. attrs (dict, optional): A dictionary of attributes to add to the instance. name (str, optional): A string that names the instance. Returns: array (xarray.DataArray): A modulated array. """ # initialize coords with default values array = xr.DataArray(data, dims=("t", "ch"), attrs=attrs, name=name) array.fma._initcoords() # update coords with input values (if any) if tcoords is not None: array.fma.updatecoords(tcoords, "t") if chcoords is not None: array.fma.updatecoords(chcoords, "ch") if scalarcoords is not None: array.fma.updatecoords(scalarcoords) return array
[docs]def zeros(shape, dtype=None, **kwargs): """Create a modulated array of given shape and type, filled with zeros. Args: shape (sequence of ints): 2D shape of the array. dtype (data-type, optional): The desired data-type for the array. kwargs (optional): Other arguments of the array (*coords, attrs, and name). Returns: array (xarray.DataArray): A modulated array filled with zeros. """ data = np.zeros(shape, dtype) return fm.array(data, **kwargs)
[docs]def ones(shape, dtype=None, **kwargs): """Create a modulated array of given shape and type, filled with ones. Args: shape (sequence of ints): 2D shape of the array. dtype (data-type, optional): The desired data-type for the array. kwargs (optional): Other arguments of the array (*coords, attrs, and name). Returns: array (xarray.DataArray): A modulated array filled with ones. """ data = np.ones(shape, dtype) return fm.array(data, **kwargs)
[docs]def full(shape, fill_value, dtype=None, **kwargs): """Create a modulated array of given shape and type, filled with `fill_value`. Args: shape (sequence of ints): 2D shape of the array. fill_value (scalar or numpy.ndarray): Fill value or array. dtype (data-type, optional): The desired data-type for the array. kwargs (optional): Other arguments of the array (*coords, attrs, and name). Returns: array (xarray.DataArray): A modulated array filled with `fill_value`. """ return (fm.zeros(shape, **kwargs) + fill_value).astype(dtype)
[docs]def empty(shape, dtype=None, **kwargs): """Create a modulated array of given shape and type, without initializing entries. Args: shape (sequence of ints): 2D shape of the array. dtype (data-type, optional): The desired data-type for the array. kwargs (optional): Other arguments of the array (*coords, attrs, and name). Returns: array (xarray.DataArray): A modulated array without initializing entries. """ data = np.empty(shape, dtype) return fm.array(data, **kwargs)
[docs]def zeros_like(array, dtype=None, keepmeta=True): """Create an array of zeros with the same shape and type as the input array. Args: array (xarray.DataArray): The shape and data-type of it define these same attributes of the output array. dtype (data-type, optional): If spacified, this function overrides the data-type of the output array. keepmeta (bool, optional): Whether *coords, attrs, and name of the input array are kept in the output one. Default is True. Returns: array (xarray.DataArray): An array filled with zeros. """ if keepmeta: return xr.zeros_like(array, dtype) else: return fm.zeros(array.shape, dtype)
[docs]def ones_like(array, dtype=None, keepmeta=True): """Create an array of ones with the same shape and type as the input array. Args: array (xarray.DataArray): The shape and data-type of it define these same attributes of the output array. dtype (data-type, optional): If spacified, this function overrides the data-type of the output array. keepmeta (bool, optional): Whether *coords, attrs, and name of the input array are kept in the output one. Default is True. Returns: array (xarray.DataArray): An array filled with ones. """ if keepmeta: return xr.ones_like(array, dtype) else: return fm.ones(array.shape, dtype)
[docs]def full_like(array, fill_value, dtype=None, keepmeta=True): """Create an array of `fill_value` with the same shape and type as the input array. Args: array (xarray.DataArray): The shape and data-type of it define these same attributes of the output array. fill_value (scalar or numpy.ndarray or xarray.DataArray): Fill value or array. dtype (data-type, optional): If spacified, this function overrides the data-type of the output array. keepmeta (bool, optional): Whether *coords, attrs, and name of the input array are kept in the output one. Default is True. Returns: array (xarray.DataArray): An array filled with `fill_value`. """ if keepmeta: return (fm.zeros_like(array) + fill_value).astype(dtype) else: return fm.full(array.shape, fill_value, dtype)
[docs]def empty_like(array, dtype=None, keepmeta=True): """Create an array of empty with the same shape and type as the input array. Args: array (xarray.DataArray): The shape and data-type of it define these same attributes of the output array. dtype (data-type, optional): If spacified, this function overrides the data-type of the output array. keepmeta (bool, optional): Whether *coords, attrs, and name of the input array are kept in the output one. Default is True. Returns: array (xarray.DataArray): An array without initializing entries. """ if keepmeta: return fm.empty( array.shape, dtype, tcoords=array.fma.tcoords, chcoords=array.fma.chcoords, scalarcoords=array.fma.scalarcoords, attrs=array.attrs,, ) else: return fm.empty(array.shape, dtype)
[docs]def demodulate(array, reverse=False): """Create a demodulated array from the modulated one. This function is only available when the array is modulated. Args: array (xarray.DataArray): A modulated array. reverse (bool, optional): If True, the array is reverse-demodulated (i.e. -1 * fmch is used for demodulation). Default is False. Returns: array (xarray.DataArray): A demodulated array. """ return array.fma.demodulate(reverse)
[docs]def modulate(array): """Create a modulated array from the demodulated one. This function is only available when the array is demodulated. Args: array (xarray.DataArray): A demodulated array. Returns: array (xarray.DataArray): A modulated array. """ return array.fma.modulate()
[docs]def mad(array, dim=None, axis=None): """Compute the median absolute deviation (MAD) along the given dim or axis. Only one of the `dim` and `axis` arguments can be supplied. If neither are supplied, then mad will be calculated over axes. Args: array (xarray.DataArray): An input array. dim (str, optional): Dim along which the MADs are computed. axis (int, optional): Axis along which the MADs are computed. Returns: mad (xarray.DataArray): An array of the MAD. """ return np.abs(array - array.median(dim, axis)).median(dim, axis)
[docs]def save(dataarray, filename=None): """Save a dataarray to a NetCDF file. Args: dataarray (xarray.DataArray): A dataarray to be saved. filename (str): A filename (used as <filename>.nc). If not spacified, random 8-character name will be used. """ if filename is None: if is not None: filename = else: filename = uuid4().hex[:8] if not filename.endswith(".nc"): filename += ".nc" dataarray.to_netcdf(filename)
[docs]def load(filename, copy=True): """Load a dataarray from a NetCDF file. Args: filename (str): A file name (*.nc). copy (bool): If True, dataarray is copied in memory. Default is True. Returns: dataarray (xarray.DataArray): A loaded dataarray. """ if copy: dataarray = xr.open_dataarray(filename).copy() else: dataarray = xr.open_dataarray(filename) if is None: = filename.rstrip(".nc") for key, val in dataarray.coords.items(): if val.dtype.kind == "S": dataarray[key] = val.astype("U") elif val.dtype == np.int32: dataarray[key] = val.astype("i8") return dataarray
[docs]def chbinning(array, size=2): """Binning an array along ch axis with given size. Args: array (xarray.DataArray): An input array. size (int): Ch length of a bin. Returns: binarray (xarray.DataArray): An output binned array. """ if set(array.dims) == {"t", "ch"}: shape = array.shape elif set(array.dims) == {"ch"}: shape = (1, *array.shape) if shape[1] % size: raise ValueError("ch shape cannot be divided by size") binshape = shape[0], int(shape[1] / size) binarray = fm.zeros( binshape, tcoords=array.fma.tcoords, scalarcoords=array.fma.scalarcoords ) # binning of data binarray.values = array.values.reshape([*binshape, size]).mean(2) # binning of fsig, fimg binarray["fsig"].values = array["fsig"].values.reshape([binshape[1], size]).mean(1) binarray["fimg"].values = array["fimg"].values.reshape([binshape[1], size]).mean(1) # convert fmch (if any) if "fmch" in array.coords: binarray["fmch"].values = (array["fmch"].values / size).astype(int) if set(array.dims) == {"t", "ch"}: return binarray.squeeze() elif set(array.dims) == {"ch"}: return binarray.squeeze().drop(binarray.fma.tcoords.keys())